Our Team

Our Fragile X World is led by a team from RTI International, an independent nonprofit research institute. RTI's mission is delivering the promise of science for global good. RTI is based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Over 3,500 employees work in our offices around the country and the world. RTI's work is funded by federal agencies, states, and corporations. Learn more about RTI.

Our team is composed of researchers who have worked with people with fragile X and their families for many years. We also work with other researchers and health care providers from around the world. Learn more about Our Partners.

Our Fragile X World Core Team Members

Don Bailey, PhD

Don Bailey, PhD
Don is a Distinguished Fellow at RTI International. He has studied children with fragile X syndrome and their families for more than 20 years. Before joining RTI, he was a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and directed the Frank Porter Graham (FPG) Child Development Institute. He was formerly the President of the Board of Directors of the National Fragile X Foundation.

Melissa Raspa, PhD

Melissa Raspa, PhD
Melissa is a Senior Research Scientist at RTI. She is the day-to-day director of Our Fragile X World. Before joining RTI, she worked at the FPG Child Development Institute. Melissa has studied individuals with fragile X and their families for 10 years. She has managed all of the Our Fragile X World national family surveys to date.

Anne Wheeler, PhD

Anne Wheeler, PhD
Anne is a Research Scientist at RTI. She is also a licensed psychologist and practices at the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities. She has been working in the field of fragile X for more than 10 years. Anne has worked on a range of fragile X projects, including the Our Fragile X World national family surveys and a newborn screening project.

Anne Edwards, BS

Anne Edwards, BS
Anne is a Research Analyst at RTI. She provides coordination support and helps manage studies. Anne has worked with individuals with fragile X syndrome and their families for 15 years. Before joining RTI, Anne studied the hearing and communication skills of children with fragile X at the FPG Child Development Institute.